Category: Podcast
“And Only Man Is Vile”: THE STARLOST Ep. 6 – UFTA 007
On October 12, 1973, THE STARLOST’s 5th episode hit the airwaves. In it, our intripid heroes come across a group of centuries-old children who seem to be piloting the ark? Can they pilot he ark to safety? It’s only the 5th episode, so probably not. But can they learn about life from Devon, Garth, and…
“Children of Methuselah”: THE STARLOST Ep. 5 – UFTA 006
On October 12, 1973, THE STARLOST’s 5th episode hit the airwaves. In it, our intripid heroes come across a group of centuries-old children who seem to be piloting the ark? Can they pilot he ark to safety? It’s only the 5th episode, so probably not. But can they learn about life from Devon, Garth, and…
“The Pisces”: THE STARLOST Ep. 4 – UFTA 005
On October 5, 1973, THE STARLOST’s 4th episode hit the airwaves. In it, our intripid heroes witness the return of a lost shuttle, The Pisces. But does the Pisces bring help? Or does it bring a trio of space-sick people who think they’ve been gone for ten years only to find they’ve been gone for…
“The Goddess Calabra”: THE STARLOST Ep. 3 – UFTA 004
This week, Ben is joined by Parker J. Cole ( ), a prolific historical romance fiction writer who has also dabbled in science fiction on occasion, to talk about “The Goddess Calabra”. As our trio of heroes continue their exploration of the Earthship Ark, they come across a dome of people who have experienced…
“Lazarus from the Mist”: THE STARLOST Ep. 2 – UFTA 003
Join Ben Avery and special guest host Nathan Marchand for a conversation about the second episode of THE STARLOST, in which our heroes wake up someone from a 500-year-long sleep. He’s from the days when they built the ship, but can he help? And why do they need to put him back? In this episode…
“Voyage of Discovery” THE STARLOST Ep. 1 – UFTA 002
Ben is joined by sci-fi novelist and podcaster Adam David Collings to talk about the pilot episode of THE STARLOST, “Voyage of Discovery” by Cordwainer Bird (which was intended to be called “Pheonix Without Ashes” by Harlan Ellison). Along the way, they chat about Robert Heinlein’s book UNIVERSE, Red Dwarf, some Star Trek, and a…
What Is THE STARLOST? (An Introduction) – UFTA 001
UP FROM THE ASHES is a podcast about . . . * THE STARLOST, a TV show from fifty years ago, and we’re talking about it exactly fifty years after its episodes aired…* SCI-FI IDEAS from THE STARLOST that engage the imagination, even if the budget and the abilities of the people behind the show…
Up From the Ashes Promo
What is Up from the Ashes? It’s a new podcast from Ben Avery and Onward and Upward Media! It’s a podcast that’s a TV after show . . . FIFTY YEARS after! It’s a podcast about THE STARLOST, a show some call the worst sci-fi show of all time! It’s a podcast about a BAD…